What’s New with pydice?

New in pydice 3.13.0

S10 rolls return the number of successes (a 6 or higher was rolled on a die). More than one die can be rolled together as a dice pool, such as 7S10 (for rolling seven S10 dice).

New in pydice 3.12.9

S6 rolls return the number of successes (a 6 was rolled on a die). More than one die can be rolled together as a dice pool, such as 5S6 (for rolling five S6 dice).

New in pydice 3.12.8

Just an incremental update to be made aware of Python 3.11.6.

New in pydice 3.12.7

Fixed crash caused when the amount of high or low number of dice to keep was missing.

New in pydice 3.12.6

FATE rolls were using the wrong random(). Fixed.

New in pydice 3.12.5

EHEX rolls will generate the extended hexadecimal values of 0 - Z used in Traveller5. These are strings rather than integers.

New in pydice 3.12.4

The new D01 roll generates values 0 - 1.


The older D1 roll has been deprecated. This will give a WARNING.

New in pydice 3.12.3

HEX dice rolls have been added to generate values 0 - F. These are strings rather than integers.

New in pydice 3.12.2

D09, D100, D099, D1000, and D0999 rolls have better DEBUG logging now.

New in pydice 3.12.1

SICHERMAN dice rolls have been added.

New in pydice 3.12.0

pydice has been updated for Python 3.11.0.

New in pydice 3.11.8

FLUX, GOODFLUX, and BADFLUX will ignore dice roll modifiers.


Dice roll modifiers are no longer ignored when using H or L.

New in pydice 3.11.7

pydice now checks for version of Python installed. Will display a warning on screen and in the log.

New in pydice 3.11.6

Error-trapping for invalid dice modifiers now.

New in pydice 3.11.5

The new D1 roll generates a range of 0 - 1.

D2 rolls now generate a range of 1 - 2.

New in pydice 3.11.0

H and L have been added for keeping higher or lower dice.

roll('3D6H2') – roll 3D6 and keep the higher 2 dice.

roll('2D20L1') – roll 2D20 and keep the lower die.


Dice roll modifiers are ignored when using H or L.

New in pydice 3.10.6

Comments can be entered with die rolls, such as roll('2D8 # weapon damage') Any comments used will appear in the pydice.log file.

New in pydice 3.10.5

The D666 roll has been added. The result is D6*100 + D6*10 + D6.

New in pydice 3.10.0

The D0999 roll has been added. It generates a range of 0 - 999.

The D1000 roll has been added. It generates a range of 1 - 1000.

New in pydice 3.9.0

pydice now uses int(random() * n + 1) instead of randint(1, n) to generation its random numbers much faster.

New in pydice 3.8.0

PyDiceroll is now pydice. PyDiceroll has been discontinued. Modified DEBUG level logging for BOON, BANE, ADVANTAGE, and DISADVANTAGE rolls. The newly introduced default roll performs a 2D6 roll. Added error-trapping when performing MINMAXAVG rolls at the CMD prompt.

New in PyDiceroll 3.7.2

MINMAXAVG calculates negative averages correctly now.

New in PyDiceroll 3.7.1

A new secret roll has been added. This is a beta test of the Fate roll type where dice mods can be added. As well as number of Fate dice to roll.

New in PyDiceroll 3.7.0

ADVANTAGE and DISADVANTAGE rolls, for d20 systems, are now do-able.

New in PyDiceroll 3.6.0

PyDiceroll no longer requires colorama.

New in PyDiceroll 3.5.0

More than one D09 can be rolled at a time now. Added to the MINMAXAVG list.

New in PyDiceroll 3.4.0

The MINMAXAVG roll has been added. Just doing:

>>> roll('MINMAXAVG')

will output the Min, Max, and Averages for various rolls. Mostly for testing. Nothing is returned from this roll. So print or variable assignment is not needed.


New in PyDiceroll 3.3.1

Fixed error if non-numbers are entered.

New in PyDiceroll 3.3.0

Input errors for roll() will now return a value of -9999 instead of 0.

New in PyDiceroll 3.2.1

New D44 and D88 rolls have been added. These are table rolls, similar to the D66 roll.


The roll() function has improved parsing that allows for spaces from other program sources. Error-checking understands this and will even check for negative numbers of dice. This improved feature works whether PyDiceroll is being used in a Python program or at a CMD prompt.

Refactored for Python 3.9

PyDiceroll’s code has been updated from 2.5 to 3.9 standards.

The D5 has been added to PyDiceroll. It is basically a D10 divided by 2, much like how the D3 die is a D6 that is divided by 2.