Using roll() in Your Own Code


For Simple Die Rolls

Sample Outputting of Die Rolls:

# import the roll() module
from pydice import roll

# enter the roll type to be made
number_of_dice = input('Number of dice to roll? ')
dice_type = input('Dice type? ')
dice_roll_modifier = input('DM? ')

# make sure that there is a plus or minus sign in the DM string
if dice_roll_modifier[0] != '-' and dice_roll_modifier[0] != '+':
    dice_roll_modifier = '+' + dice_roll_modifier

# concatenate the values for the dice string
dice = number_of_dice + dice_type + dice_roll_modifier

print('Rolling', dice)

# do 20 rolls
for i in range(20):
    print('You rolled a %d' % roll(dice))

For Probabilites

Sample Task Resolution:

# import the roll() module
from pydice import roll

# Enter your character's chances to succeed at a task
skilled = input('Is your character trained for the task ([y]/n)? ')
if skilled == 'n':
    die_mod = -3
    print("Enter your character's skill level")
    die_mod = int(input('(0 to 4)? '))
print('Enter the difficulty of the task')
difficulty = int(input('(Simple: +2 to Impossible: +16)? '))

# The player must roll the difficulty or higher for their character to succeed
dice_roll = roll('2D6') + die_mod
print('You rolled:', dice_roll)
if dice_roll >= difficulty:
    print('Your character succeeds with the task.')
    if dice_roll - difficulty >= 6:
        print('Your character saved everyone.')
    print('Your character fails at the task.')
    if dice_roll - difficulty < -3:
        print('Your character becomes injured.')
    if dice_roll - difficulty < -6:
        print('Your character died from injuries!')

For Repairing Game Code


Often times, game code will be downloaded or found that contains incorrect randint() calls for rolling two 6-sided dice. A line such as:

world_size = randint(2, 12) - 2

Easily becomes:

world_size = roll('2d6-2')

Encountering Errors

Entering an invalid string for roll() will return an error message, as well as a value of -9999 from the function:



** DICE ERROR! ‘1D7’ is unknown **
